Friday, January 7

New Artwork

Happy New Year everyone! I've got great news to report. Over the holiday I received some lovely new artwork and they are now up on Flickr for your viewing pleasure! Thanks to the following artists: Sara Guindon, Rossitsa Minovska-Devedzhieva , Javier Gonzales Burgos and Mia Christopher for helping to bring this project one step closer to being completed!

In addition, two quilts were also completed over the holiday! While I still need to get a photograph of Quilt #8, you can view Quilt #4 below:

Unsewn April Quilt #4

Artists (from top-left to bottom-right): Shelby Fischer, Pergylene Acuña, Miguel Tanco, Kim Kutner, Gordon Wiebe, Ana Ventura, Marjorie Ann Velez, Javier Gonzales Burgos, Raquel Salomón, Christine Haynes,Jane Moore Houghton, and Yvonne Stehle

Thank you all for your participation in the project!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy, Dawn! The project is coming to its end! The new paper collages are very nice and it's interesting to visit their authors' blogs and websites! Thanks for your energy and willingness to finish the PQP, although this is happening in such an important moment of your life! I'm looking forward for further news. You are in my thoughts... Hugs!:)
