The Paper Quilt Project (PQP) is coordinated and run by Dawbis, a part-time artist who loves to play with paper.

PQP was initially planned to be a year long project (January 2007 to December 2007) with high hopes of having an auction at the end of the year to help raise funds for a charitable cause. Unfortunately, at the end of the year several missing links prevented the sewing of each paper quilt and while the project ended, it was not complete.

Every month 12 new artists were invited based on their individual style and strong desire to help make a difference. They were given a packet of scrap paper, a tiny 3 1/2” x 5” bristol canvas and plenty of room to interpret the project’s theme, “A Day in my Life.” At the end of every month, the original collages were returned to eventually be sewn together to create 12 amazing and unique paper quilts.

Now after a long hiatus (October 2009), PQP is finally in the final stretch. New replacement artists have all been found to fill in the gaps and help bring this project to an end. PQP hopes to have all of the quilts completed by January 2011. As of today, 2 out of 12 quilts remain to be completed.

This project was inspired by Sharilyn’s Beautiful Scrap Paper project.